What You Need To Know Before Treating Dark Spots & Pimples

If you have pimples on your face, don’t worry. You are not alone. Almost everyone gets pimples at some point in their lives. The best way to treat pimples is to catch them early and use over-the-counter acne treatments that will quickly clear up breakouts without any scarring.

But what happens when pimple marks remain? How can you get rid of dark spots on your face? Well, before we talk about how to get rid of dark spots on the face, let’s first understand what causes pimple marks in the first place.

Pimple marks are actually scars. When pimples heal after rupturing, they leave tiny wounds in the skin called macules (red-brown discoloration). Although these pimple marks are not permanent, they can stay for a long time.

When pimples heal, they often leave behind a dark mark on the skin. Although this darkening is not harmful and generally fades away in time, it can be frustrating to deal with and difficult to cover up. People who suffer from acne pimples will experience this more than those who do not have pimple problems.

The majority of pimples that form during adolescence are called “acne vulgaris.” This type of pimple creates a bump on the skin’s surface that can vary in level of severity (from mild to severe). The skin changes that occur as a result of pimples like this one cause post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) – also referred to as dark spots – if the pimples scar or lead to dark marks on the skin.

Dark spots can also occur on pimple-free complexions, sometimes due to genetics, stress, or a skin injury. Even pimples that heal normally without scarring may sometimes cause scars and dark marks if they are severe enough. Scars will form when a pimple heals with a pit or hole in the surface of the skin rather than a raised bump. Dark spots after pimples are not always due to PIH; it can be from an influx of melanin following an injury on the skin’s surface from pimples, surgery, burns, or other types of trauma to the skin.

The article begins by explaining that people who have acne tend to develop hyperpigmentation after pimples have healed. It then goes on to describe how dark spots resulting from pimples can happen whether or not you have pimple problems. In this way, it is attempting to get the audience to read the remainder of the article.

The rest of the article provides helpful information about getting rid of dark spots and pimple scars including a list of hyperpigmentation treatments and how each works. The author also recommends some home remedies for removing hyperpigmentation marks such as lemon juice, honey, aloe vera extract, etc. [NOTE: The article does not provide amounts for ingredients.]

When it comes to avoiding pimples, avoiding irritating ingredients like alcohol or peppermint oil in skincare products and makeup is a good place to start. Avoiding applying heavy moisturizers directly on pimples because they can clog pores and irritate pimples so they last longer, don’t pick at pimples or pop them. Pop pimples early when you first see them before they have a chance to get bigger and last longer.

Take some time to learn about dark spots on your face and pimples before you try treating them.

Acne treatment often makes dark spots worse before they get better, so be patient.

There’s really no way to get rid of pimple scars or dark spots entirely, but you can lessen their appearance and keep new ones from forming by protecting your skin from the sun and fighting pimples when you see them coming on.

If you have pimple marks that are still visible after pimples heal, then it’s time to let a dermatologist know what’s going on with your skin. They can suggest acne treatments such as topical creams containing vitamin C, which helps prevent collagen loss in the skin, or retinoids, which promote collagen growth. Other options include chemical peels and microdermabrasion to smooth the skin’s surface, laser resurfacing to remove scar tissue, dermabrasion (scraping off layers of skin with a rough tool), and dermal fillers (injections that replace lost volume in the skin).

Acne scars are considered permanent even though they may fade over time. Treatments like lasers, micro needling, and chemical peels can help fade their appearance. Combining treatments like micro-needling with subcision (poking holes in the skin above the scars to let them rise up), PRP injections (Platelet-rich plasma, which is the stuff in your own blood that helps it clot) and pimple extractions can help flatten out pimple scars faster than any one treatment alone.

How to get rid of dark spots on your face? There is no quick fix for these pimple marks and treatment will depend upon how much damage has been done in the process of trying to vanish pimple marks.

Dry up your acne dark spots

The best way to fight dark spots from acne is to dry pimples up fast before pimple dark spots have a chance to form in the first place. Here are some things you can do, depending on how bad your pimple dark spots are:

If your pimples are deep under the skin, use ice compresses to help speed up pimple healing time so it’s less likely that dark pimple marks will show up. Make sure there is no irritation before putting ice on sensitive skin, and only do this for about 10 minutes at a time before applying moisturizer or sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher because sun exposure makes acne dark spots worse.

If your pimple is red after using an over-the-counter topical medication like benzoyl peroxide gel, use an aspirin mask to reduce inflammation. Crush up 3 or 4 uncoated aspirin tablets into a fine powder and mix it with just enough water so that you can form it into a paste. Apply it to pimples, let dry for about 15 minutes, and then rinse off with water.

If pimples are coming back too quickly after using over-the-counter acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide gel, try adding salicylic acid to your skincare routine because it helps clear dead skin cells that clog pores and cause pimples. Look for products containing 1% salicylic acid (you may need to use these 2 – 3 times a day) or 10% glycolic acid (you can use this 1 – 2 times a day).

Be Careful When Taking Any Medication

To treat pimples, you will need to choose your pimple treatment product carefully because there’s a growing concern among dermatologists that many over-the-counter acne medications might actually cause more pimples and lead not only to scarring but also hyperpigmentation. We’ll tell you what ingredients to look out for and how they might affect your skin when we talk about how to get rid of dark spots on your face.

Try Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for pimple marks but many of them can cause more problems if your pimple marks are very dark. So, always consult a dermatologist before picking home remedies for pimple marks.

Before you go out and try to get rid of pimples on your face or treat pimple marks at home, there are several things that you should keep in mind. First, read the label. This is one thing that most people fail to do. They just buy an acne treatment product without even knowing what it contains. Make sure that the ingredients do not contain Contact sensitizers like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid which might actually trigger more pimples and lead to hyperpigmentation over prolonged use. Also, avoid products containing parabens. They are not only pimple triggers but they might also cause cancer.

Use Sunscreen

When trying to get rid of pimple marks at home, always remember to use sunscreen. This is important because pimples leave behind hyperpigmented pimple marks which can increase your risk of skin cancer. Use sunscreen not just on pimple marks but all over your face to protect yourself from sun damage that happens even when you walk out of the shade into direct sunlight.

When to Consult a Dermatologist

A pimple is a pimple, no matter how it forms or where it appears on your face. Don’t ever think that pimples will fade away with age. If you have pimples now, there is a strong chance that these pimples will leave scars as well. There’s a good chance that the cream or lotion that worked for your mom will not work for you because pimples don’t actually follow rules of inheritance! So if you have pimples, cover them up and treat them early before the pimple marks become permanent.

If you want to get rid of pimple marks without worrying too much about side effects, you should consult a dermatologist for acne scar removal. It is a fairly simple procedure and there are no lasting side effects as long as you find a good plastic surgeon or dermatologist. The best thing about this pimple mark treatment is that it works well even if you have been trying to get rid of pimples using home remedies for years! If scars bother you, visit a specialist today and get rid of pimple marks fast.

In the fight against pimple dark spots, consistency is key. If you don’t see results from your pimple treatments after a few months, then it’s time to visit a dermatologist for pimple dark spot treatments that can really help pimples and pimple dark spots fade away faster. Treating pimples will not only give you an even skin tone but can also prevent hyperpigmentation in the future.


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