Morning Sickness and Pregnancy


When a woman announces her pregnancy, one of the first questions people ask is “Is she feeling well?” Most women consider morning sickness the worst thing about being pregnant. Morning sickness affects more than 50 percent of all American women. In fact, morning sickness is so pervasive that it even has its own medical – and scientific – explanation: The female body’s increase in estrogen during the first trimester causes women to experience nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to certain odors.

1. What is the Cause?

First of all, what causes morning sickness? If it is due to hormonal changes in the body, then some medications might be effective in treating this type of nausea and vomiting that occurs during early pregnancy. However, if it is due to an actual change in physiological factors (such as hormone levels or sensitivities), then medication will not help; instead, proper diet and lifestyle changes will need to be made by the mother.

2. Diet Tips

A proper diet is important to avoid any morning sickness altogether. The following foods can help with morning sickness:

Ginger – this root has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting

Saltine crackers – these provide sodium which helps prevent dehydration

Water – drinking water is critical in avoiding dehydration from excess amounts of vomiting

Bananas – these are one of the best sources of potassium which counteract the negative effects of too much salt in your systems, such as dizziness and muscle cramps so you feel stronger

Read also: How to make your pregnancy a little easier

3. What NOT to eat?

Avoid eating greasy and greeneries at night and during the first trimester, drink liquids and exercise good hygiene when cooking meats.

Read also: 10 foods and beverages to avoid or minimize while pregnant

4. Other Tips & Remedies

  • Mint leaves in your tea or homemade lemonade can help
  • Tossing small amounts of ginger in the blender with ice and water to make a ginger drink is very helpful for morning sickness
  • Eating smaller meals more frequently during the day will give you energy between bouts of nausea and vomiting that is common in morning sickness
  • Remember not to skip any meals and to keep hydrated, even if you just sip some water throughout the day
  • If you suffer from morning sickness, make an appointment with your health specialist today for expert advice and a detailed checkup.


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